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Claremont High School Academy

Pride and principals

The results are in, the grades have been counted and now it’s time for Claremont High School’s Heads of Departments to celebrate the 2024 exam results, including special mention of those principal students who did especially well. Here are some colleagues’ highlights… 

Mr Lipman, Drama 

‘The Drama Department is thrilled with the outstanding success of our students in this year’s A Level and GCSE Drama results! We are incredibly proud to announce that our A Level Drama cohort achieved a remarkable 100% A* to A grades, with the examiner praising the high-quality performance work in the Component 3 scripted text exam. The students performed an extract from Lungs by Duncan MacMillan, which truly showcased their talent and dedication.  

‘Our GCSE Drama students also excelled, with 100% of the cohort achieving a grade 4 or above. An impressive 87% of students secured a grade 5 or higher, and 33% achieved top grades between 7 and 9. The results reflect success in both the practical and written elements of the course with some unforgettable performances.  

‘A special congratulations to Ahaan Saraf and Asher Siddiqui, who both secured a grade 9. Well done to all our A Level and GCSE Drama students - you have made the department incredibly proud!’ 

Mr McDavid, Geography  

‘Geography A Level results exceeded expectations with all students achieving A* to B. Well done especially to Diya Babar who achieved A* and to Sofiane Salarzai for her A* in the NEA.   

‘At GCSE, students saw great success with nearly all pupils showing a strong year-on-year increase in grades, with 26.4% achieving a grade 7 or above. This is well above the national average. An especial “well done” to Eliass Ahmadzai, Jaiden Govind, Krishni Kerai and Ahmed Karasan, who all increased their grades by two or more since the spring mock exams. Congratulations to all geographers on this great set of results!’ 

Mr Michaelides, Business and Economics 

‘Students studying BTEC Business achieved 83% Distinction with particularly impressive D* results from Shani McKenzie, Liana Kefel and Ayush Sodha. A huge congratulations to Arpita Baghat for achieving an A* in Business A Level. Congratulations to the Economics A Level cohort, with 65% of students achieving A*to B. Well done also to Josh Patel for achieving an A*.’ 

Ms Abrahams, Spanish 

‘We were thrilled with this year's results! With 112 pupils taking Spanish - our biggest cohort yet - we achieved significantly above the national average. At the top end, we achieved the highest number of grade 9s - eight pupils in total. A huge congratulations to those students. In Ms Affum's set 3 class, all pupils achieved their MEG and most achieved their aspirational target. A huge well done to them and to all the other Spanish students. We were very proud!’